The Newfoundland as a Working Dog
The Newfoundland is a large, strong, heavy-coated, active dog equally at home in the water and on land. He is capable of heavy work. Historically in Newfoundland he was used as a working dog to pull nets for the fishermen, haul wood from the forest, and pull carts and sleds.
The Newfoundland Club of America Water and Draft Tests are a series of exercises designed to develop and demonstrate the abilities of purebred Newfoundland dogs. Performance of these exercises is intended as a demonstration of skills developed through both natural ability and training rather than a competition between dogs or handlers. Emphasis is on teamwork between dog and handler in realistic work and rescue situations. Efficiency in accomplishment of tasks is essential; however, it is also desirable that the dog evidence willingness and enjoyment of its work in a combination of controlled teamwork and natural independence.
Click on the following links for more information
NCA Water Rescue
NCA Draft Work
Newfoundland Club of America
Events Calendar